About MyLine Excel Communications

About MyLine

Photo of man talking on telephoneNot long ago, your local phone service provider was determined by where you lived. There was no choice of provider or price. Take it or leave it. Now, one of the most innovative residential calling plans is being offered by Excel Communications, the largest privately-held communications company in the world. Excel’s MyLine Calling Packages bundle both local and long distance calling while providing you with:

  • Friends-R-Free: Allows you to make Unlimited FREE long distance calls NATIONWIDE to other Friends-R-Free members when ANY MyLine Local calling package is selected.

  • Unlimited Local Calling: Within your basic calling service area.

  • Simplicity: One calling package for both your local and long distance needs.

  • Personalization: One customized calling package with features that can be tailored to meet your
    individual calling needs.

  • Convenience: One easy-to-read bill from Excel for both your local and long distance charges.

  • Customer Care: One telephone number to call when you have questions or need additional services.

  • No Switching Fee or Annual Contract

  • No Minimums or Hidden Charges

  • Keep Your Same Phone Number

Frequently Asked Questions About MyLine Service

If you have a question not covered on this page, please call your Excel Independent Representative toll free at 1-888-356-5531.

Q: How long does it take to activate my new MyLine service?
A: Please allow up to 10-15 business days for your new MyLine service to be activated. To check for activation or if you have any service-related questions, please feel free to call toll-free (877) 392-3548 or (888) 356-5531.

Note: If you currently pre-pay your phone bill, please continue pre-payments with your current carrier until your Excel MyLine plan has been activated. Otherwise, your current carrier may disconnect your line due to nonpayment before your new Excel activation has been completed.

Q: Is there a switching fee when changing to MyLine?
A: No. Excel does not charge a switch fee for existing Excel long distance customers or current customers of another company, or if the customer is converting an existing telephone line. However, there is a charge for installing an entirely new line.

Q: How will I be billed from Excel?
A: For current Excel long distance customers, you will receive a prorated final long distance bill when you switch to MyLine. A second prorated bill will be sent with your MyLine service charges. On your new MyLine bill, Local charges are billed in advance of service being rendered, while long distance charges are billed for service rendered during the prior billing cycle.

New customers may receive a prorated final bill from their previous local phone service provider and a second prorated bill from MyLine.

Q: How soon will I receive my first bill after I sign up for MyLine service?
A: You will receive your first bill within 30 days of service activation.

Q: What about phone books?
A: You will continue to receive the same phone books.

Q: When will I receive my new MyLine Calling Cards?
A: You will receive MyLine Calling Cards in 7-10 days after your order is completed. Also, existing Excel customers with calling cards will be assigned new calling card numbers.

Q: Can I refer MyLine customers in other areas where service is available?
A: Yes. You can refer MyLine customers anywhere in the United States where MyLine service is available.

Q: If MyLine service is not available in a specific area, how can I determine when it will be available?
A: Excel's goal is to provide MyLine service across the entire continental U.S. by June, 2003. We expect service in 85% of the continental U.S. by the mid 2003. We have developed an aggressive launch strategy designed to maximize the Friends-R-Free feature for both MyLine Complete and MyLine Value calling packages. Periodically, you may call the Automated Service Availability Line at 1-800-411-9694 to confirm if service is available in your area.

Q: What is Excel's stance regarding slamming?
A: Excel has a zero tolerance policy for slamming. To protect yourself against being slammed, you can request a PIC Freeze on your line when ordering MyLine service.

Q: As a customer, who do I call if I have a question?
A: For all Excel product questions, customers should call Excel Customer Care at 1-877-668-0808. For TTY/TDD (hearing and speech impaired only), call 1-800-520-4001.

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